Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yesterday I was feeling a bit unmotivated about sitting in front of a computer and working. Today, however, I've had several cups of 'Africafe' and I'm feeling quite chipper. Edson does not seem to find the brand name 'Africafe' to be nearly as amusing as I do. Like all instant coffee products, Africafe is pretty terrible. With the inclusion of copious amounts of powdered milk and sugar, it now tastes like melted coffee ice cream. I know Tanzania grows coffee and one would hope this would reflect in the available selection of coffee products. Alas. I might check in the tourist/ex-pat sections of town and see if real coffee beans are actually sold. Who knows, maybe some of you will get Tanzanian coffee for a present! (Note: the more you comment on this blog, the less likely you are to receive a can of Africafe as punishment.)

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